Common Concerns About Attending The Healthy Horse Conference 2019
Thinking about attending our Healthy Horse Conference but can’t make up your mind?
I totally understand. I see events and training days that I’d like to go on but then I dither. Either I miss out or I forget.
It’s perfectly natural to worry about whether you’re making the right decision to attend a conference or workshop.
And it’s not just about the ticket price. On top of the cost of your ticket, you may also need to budget for extra childcare, horsey cover, dog walking, travel and perhaps accommodation. So you need to be sure it will be worth your time and money.
If you’re not familiar with the event, The Healthy Horse Conference is a day of inspiration and learning with a host of top veterinary speakers and researchers.
It’s designed for owners, coaches, and equine professionals who want to take the best care of the horses they are responsible for, and ensure that their knowledge is up to date.
Included with your ticket will be a workbook with some key highlights of the talks, and plenty of space to include your own notes. No more scrabbling around for pieces of paper, or losing the notes that you made on the day.
Here are some of the most common concerns that have been raised about attending the Conference- and the advice I offer.
Concern 1: ‘I can’t afford it ’
Some prospective delegates tell me they love the idea of the Healthy Horse Conference- and would attend if they could – but can’t afford it.
My advice
If this sounds like you, the first thing you need to do is change your mindset. Instead of saying ‘I can’t afford it’ ask yourself ‘‘what could I do to make it affordable?’
If you’re reading this post you’re a horsey person, and horsey people are great at making stuff happen. Come on you can control a 500kg plus beast, you are a ‘do-er’ and a problem solver. If you really want to get to the Conference you will find a way, and find the budget.
Here’s a list of ways to find the budget to attend a course
Try them and let me know how you get on.
Want to split the payment? Don’t worry we offer deposit spaces so that you can split the payment into two. I appreciate that helps owners, and I know what it’s like to own a horse and I wish to help.
Concern 2: ‘I haven’t got anyone to help with the horses/ dogs/ children’
I appreciate that animals and children need caring for whether you are there or not, but with some lateral thinking I’m sure you can manage to arrange some cover.
My advice
You must have a friend (or three) who can help, and chances are they would love it if you can return the favour. Offer childcare, turning out horses, mucking out and dog sitting and you’ll find that people are more than happy to help you out as well.
Concern 3: ‘I don’t have time’
A common concern I hear from owners is that are too busy to attend, trying to juggling horses, working, family and other commitments and pets.
My advice
I totally understand this, and would certainly put myself in the ‘time poor’ category. The fact that you are reading this means that you are interested in taking the best possible care. You probably read heaps of articles, and are quick to research any concerns that you have about your horse.
Attending the conference will save you time on googling, and reading forum posts which don’t necessarily have the most up to date information, and may only give you half of the answer.
Heading into Winter horse care is more challenging, and you will leave the Conference buzzing with ideas to put in place.
Concern 4: ‘I don’t know anyone going’
Some owners who are hoping to attend the Conference are worried about coming on their own, and can’t persuade a friend to join them.
My advice
It can feel daunting arriving at an event when you don’t know anyone. I do understand this. DOn’t forget that you do have at least one thing in common with every person in the room- we all love horses and want the best for our animals. It’s not difficult to start a conversation with a fellow horse lover.
Our Healthy Horse Conference will be unlike a veterinary conference, or a sales/ marketing event that you might have attended previously. There won’t be hundreds of people, there will still be a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and plenty of tea, coffee and snacks.
Concern 5: ‘I’m not sure what is included in the ticket price’
My advice:
Don’t worry it’s all included!
My personal pet hate is to buy a ticket or an experience and then find that everything isn’t included in the day. How often have you booked into a course or training day only to realise at the last minute that you need to take lunch. You then have to stop on the way (then you’re late), or spend the first break googling where you can run to at lunch time to find lunch. It doesn’t make for a very relaxing day.
So don’t panic you will receive welcome refreshments on arrival mid morning tea and coffee, a fantastic lunch in the restaurant and afternoon tea. You ticket includes a workbook to jot down all your ideas, and a beautiful goodie box to take home with you.
Concern 6: ‘I’m worried the content will be to complicated for me’
Some owners say that they love my content but they’re not sure if the Conference will be to technical for them.
My advice:
I’ve tried to give as much information as I can on the content and the other delegates. If you are a new horse owner, have limited equine experience or are thinking about returning to riding then you might find that our Horse First Aid Courses are a better day for you. You can read all these here, including our online Horse First Aid Course. If you have any other questions…just ask!
It’s really not in my interest to have you at the event if it’s not a good fit for you. I want everyone who comes to have a great experience, I don’t want you to leave negative feedback (!) so if it’s not right for you, I’ll tell you straight. Please do get in touch with any questions, simply email me