How to get referrals from vets as an equine or canine practitioner Here's 5 things to remember when building a relationship with vets 1. It’s your responsibility for vets in your area to know who you are- it doesn’t matter if they are open or not, whether they already...
Business help
The Surprising Way to Become a Better Equine Therapist (and reasons why you should do this too!)
The Surprising Way to Become a Better Equine Therapist (and reasons why you should do this too!) Working on yourself is a crucial aspect of becoming a better equine therapist. You’ll feel happier, be more productive and you will notice a huge difference in your...
Reflections on the Year
2022 has been a mixed year for me. The highest highs and the most rubbish lows, and I’ve learnt lots. I wanted to share my reflections on the year to help you look back on your year, and also to spur you on for 2023. Lesson 1 - Growth comes from the downtimes...
Nightmare Clients and How to Avoid These
You’ve been there I’m sure. You want clients, heck anyone who will pay you is the perfect client and then you get a tricky client. They are hard work, they are late, they don’t pay and they don’t take your advice. Years and years ago I had a client called Becky (not...
5 Easy Ways To Train Your Brain for Success
Your mind is your secret weapon for business, and also the biggest reason we don’t achieve our goals. The good news is that you can harness your brain for business success, and just like any other muscle you can train it. If you follow my work you will have heard me...
4 Ways To Maximise Your Income in December
So often we assume that people don’t want to buy in December because they are so busy buying holiday gifts, but actually with a bit of a rethink you can ensure that you end the year in a strong financial position. 1. Think what help your clients need RIGHT NOW...
When Business Feels A Bit Meaningless
I was asked earlier in the year by one of my clients - “How do you keep up a positive mindset with current world events?” The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the energy crisis, not to mention Covid are taking their toll on us all, so how do you carry on serving your...
Find your motivation
I find that this time of the year is a mixture of excitement, and overwhelm. After the summer break I’ve spoken to so many practitioners who are struggling with motivation. Here are my ideas to help (and exactly the process I just walked through earlier in the week)...
Signs You Are Self Sabotaging
Ever wonder why you aren’t hitting your goals, or why your business isn’t panning out quite as you’d hoped? Do you ever find yourself doing any of the following: Putting off dealing with customer emails / messages Procrastinating on admin or business tasks Delaying...
Create more time in your day
Time, you can't buy it, you can lose it easily and we all want more. I’m pretty sure you’d like to fit more into your day.. I had such a limiting belief around time. I had no time. I had too much to fit into my day. I felt I couldn’t achieve what I wanted to because...
Lessons from my worst month in business last year
I'm a really positive person, but I do like hearing about other people’s business low points, rocky moments and most importantly what they did to come out of it the other side. So here are some lessons from June 2021 (still my worst month in business)- which didn’t...
Bad payers and how to handle these
Hands up if you have people who are rubbish at paying you money? The ‘So sorry I forgot my purse I’ll pay you next time’ ones. Every business will experience this at some point - so how to make a plan 1. See it as a...
How to turn one off clients to repeat bookings
Attracting new clients is only one part of filling up your diary as an equine practitioner. To expand your client base you also need to ensure that clients turn into regular consistent bookings. So how do you...
How To Double Your Income
Who doesn’t want more income? Here are the easiest ways to make more money in your business. 1. Sell more to your current clients Selling more to your existing client base is the fastest way to up your income. There is so much that you could offer, (groundwork,...
4 Ways You Might Be Blocking Money In Your Business
You want to generate more income in your business, but crazy as it seems we are so often repelling this money. Here are a few ways that you might be blocking money coming into your life and business Resisting putting up your prices - despite clients telling you that...
How to get started with passive income
Passive income, literally money while you sleep or ride sounds like the dream doesn’t it just. If you’d like a piece of this action then read on. I will be outlining some ideas for you to takeaway and implement today to get you started on passive income. Firstly, what...
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