by admin | Dec 8, 2022 | Business help, Mindset for Business
Your mind is your secret weapon for business, and also the biggest reason we don’t achieve our goals. The good news is that you can harness your brain for business success, and just like any other muscle you can train it. If you follow my work you will have heard me...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | Mindset for Business
I was asked earlier in the year by one of my clients – “How do you keep up a positive mindset with current world events?” The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the energy crisis, not to mention Covid are taking their toll on us all, so how do you carry on serving...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | Mindset for Business
I find that this time of the year is a mixture of excitement, and overwhelm. After the summer break I’ve spoken to so many practitioners who are struggling with motivation. Here are my ideas to help (and exactly the process I just walked through earlier in the week)...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | Mindset for Business
Ever wonder why you aren’t hitting your goals, or why your business isn’t panning out quite as you’d hoped? Do you ever find yourself doing any of the following: Putting off dealing with customer emails / messages Procrastinating on admin or business tasks Delaying...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | Mindset for Business
Time, you can’t buy it, you can lose it easily and we all want more. I’m pretty sure you’d like to fit more into your day.. I had such a limiting belief around time. I had no time. I had too much to fit into my day. I felt I couldn’t achieve what I wanted to...
by admin | Sep 25, 2022 | Mindset for Business
You want to generate more income in your business, but crazy as it seems we are so often repelling this money. Here are a few ways that you might be blocking money coming into your life and business Resisting putting up your prices – despite clients telling you...