Who doesn’t want more income? Here are the easiest ways to make more money in your business.
1. Sell more to your current clients
Selling more to your existing client base is the fastest way to up your income.
There is so much that you could offer, (groundwork, teaching, riding, grooming, rehab work, horse care training and support) but so often practitioners (and many other business owners) are reluctant to speak directly to their existing clients about other ways that they can help. They feel off or awkward (what if the client says no?!) so stick with the easy option of marketing to a cold audience – posting online.
Here are a few points to remember:
⭐ You will hear no
There is no brand or business that has a 100% conversion rate with clients. Think when did you ever say yes to every offer, promotion or sale that came your way? We say no all the time, but as business owners it feels upsetting and personal. Accept that you will hear no, it is up to you how you react and feel about this.
⭐ People will say yes
Clients who already work with you are highly likely to want more support from you, and some people will say yes to your new idea.
⭐ Don’t project onto your clients
It isn’t up to you to decide what your clients will and won’t like. If they have sessions every 6 months why wouldn’t they want you to come every 3 months? They might think that every 6 months is standard practice, or just right for their horse. They may have no idea that you could treat their horse more often, and they certainly won’t know unless you tell them!
2. Up your prices
Increasing your prices doesn’t have to be drastic, a small increase will add up. If you charge £50 a session and treat 50 horses a month then a £5 price increase adds up to a cool extra month’s income over a year.
3. Have a high ticket offer
It is a lot easier to sell a high touch package at £500 than it is to sell 100 mini training sessions at £5 a pop. You might need to read that again. I know the opposite of common sense right?
You might think that selling something at £5 would be easy. Yes it would be easy to sell a few, but to close 100 sales is quite hard work. You need a bigger audience for starters (or be able to access one), and the systems in place to handle this influx of sales. What if 100 people all email you a question or two?!
Having a high ticket offer (i.e. a top package, VIP or done for you service) might seem scary and feel well out of your comfort zone, but no-one can say yes to this package if it doesn’t exist.
Focus on the clients that you look after, and what their needs are. What are their problems, struggles and concerns and how can you help them? Having a high ticket option will mean more access to you, and more work on your part so think about your passions and interests and how this meets the needs of your clients.
Knowing who your dream clients are is so important – so I suggest that you check out this article on niching as well.