2022 has been a mixed year for me. The highest highs and the most rubbish lows, and I’ve learnt lots. I wanted to share my reflections on the year to help you look back on your year, and also to spur you on for 2023.
Lesson 1 – Growth comes from the downtimes
Some points this year I’ve been in ‘head down get through it’ mode. I’ve served my clients, I’ve smashed their expectations and I’ve helped hundreds of people around the world with my free content as well, but I realised in the summer that I’ve been doing the minimum in some areas. In short I was coasting, not propelling forward as I wanted.
Then I realised, with some help from one of my mentors, that the quiet times are the place where the magic happens, if we are prepared to dig in and do the work! Seeing growth as up and down has been super helpful for me.
I also love the analogy that your life is like a book- you can’t skip a chapter! You can learn to read faster and move progress along, but everything does happen for a reason, even if it feels hard at the time.
Lesson 2 – Working ON your business
I am normally great at working ON my business as well as IN it. I usually take what I call CEO days once or twice a month to plan, strategize and look at my business from a bigger perspective. This year it hasn’t happened as consistently, and I can see a direct correlation between feeling overwhelmed, and not in control of my business. Luckily I realised this and the planning days are back in the calendar. If you don’t take regular time to work on your business, rather than just doing the day to day stuff I suggest you schedule this for next year.
Lesson 3 – Your tribe and consistency counts
In 2021 I invested in a high end mastermind to support me as I uplevelled my skills to grow my business further. It was great, I felt inspired, I learnt tons and I took lots of action. It was a big investment financially but I got the return on investment. This year I had the tail end of the mastermind for a few months, and then I have been working with different coaches and mentors to cover different areas. It has meant deeper work, more breakthroughs and shifts, but the consistency hasn’t been there. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to getting support for you and your business, but there is a lot to be said for taking the leap, committing and having to show up. We all need help and accountability to move us forward, just like I will always want input into improving my riding!
Business is often a long game, and consistency pays off. Be that working on yourself, using social media or networking with vets.
Surrounding yourself with people who are on a similar business journey is amazing, and I will be doing this more in 2023. I’ve attended some great masterminding days this year, and I will be booking these more regularly over the next 12 months. Sharing the highs and lows, getting inspiration and ideas from brainstorming with others looking to build their dream life and business is incredible. It has been so powerful for my business, and this is the reason that I developed my Expert Academy program. I wanted to bring like minded equine and canine practitioners from around the world together, so that I could coach them and that they could learn from each other. Having the right ‘tribe’ makes such a difference to keeping you on track and accountable to your goals.
Lesson 4 – Your why
When the going gets a bit sticky it is so useful to have a clear ‘why’ in business to fall back on. Why did you qualify? Why are you creating and building your business? Connecting with this why each and everyday helps you take action that is truly moving you forward, not just ‘busy work’.
You can write it down, think about it or simple say it out loud while you are walking or driving, it will sharpen your focus, energise you and keep you going in both life and business.
I’d love to hear your biggest learning from 2022- do reach out on Instagram and tell us – nkc_equestrian.